ISSN : 2583-939X


Name : Oksana Chubenko
Speciality : Spin-polarized electron sources, High-brightness electron beams, Nano-sized electron sources, High-performance computing
Email :
Affilation : Assistant Professor

Oksana Chubenko received her Ph.D. in Physics from George Washington University in 2019. Her dissertation was focused on detailed modeling of physical processes and mechanisms in advanced electron sources for accelerator applications with emphasis on photocathodes and field emitters. Within her Ph.D. program, she was an intern with the Jefferson Lab's Center for Injectors and Sources, where she performed Monte Carlo modeling of spin-polarized photoemission from GaAs semiconductors. She also worked as a research associate at Euclid Techlabs studying field emission properties of nano-diamond thin films.

In 2019, she joined Arizona State University as a postdoctoral research associate supported by the Center for Bright Beams. Her work at ASU was focused on the Monte Carlo modeling of laser-induced heating mechanisms in semiconductor photocathodes and their effect on the brightness of electron beams. She also conducted research on the epitaxial growth and advanced characterization of alkali antimonide photocathodes. She joined NIU in 2022, where she continues her research on advanced electron sources for accelerator applications.