ISSN : 2583-939X

Gravitational wave from domain walls in f(G) theory

Original Research (Published On: 13-Oct-2023 )
Gravitational wave from domain walls in f(G) theory
DOI : 10.56439/WJP/2023.1108

Sachin Hatkar

World Jour. of Phys., 1 (2):69-78

Sachin Hatkar : Adarsh college Hingoli

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DOI: 10.56439/WJP/2023.1108

Article History: Received on: 13-Jun-23, Accepted on: 13-Oct-23, Published on: 13-Oct-23

Corresponding Author: Sachin Hatkar


Citation: Sachin Hatkar (2023). Gravitational wave from domain walls in f(G) theory. World Jour. of Phys., 1 (2 ):69-78



In this paper, we have studied Bianchi type I space-time in the presence of domain walls in the context of f(G) theory of gravitation. Field equations are solved by using the special form of deceleration parameter. It is also assumed that expansion is proportional to the shear scalar of the model. Some physical parameters are discussed in detail.


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