ISSN : 2583-939X

Jeans Instability, Jeans Entropy, and the Entropy Origin of Gravity

Original Research (Published On: 14-Oct-2023 )
Jeans Instability, Jeans Entropy, and the Entropy Origin of Gravity
DOI : 10.56439/WJP/2023.1109

Edward Bormashenko

World Jour. of Phys., 1 (2):79-86

Edward Bormashenko : Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Materials Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ariel University, P.O.B. 3, Ariel 40700, Israel

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DOI: 10.56439/WJP/2023.1109

Article History: Received on: 16-Sep-23, Accepted on: 12-Oct-23, Published on: 14-Oct-23

Corresponding Author: Edward Bormashenko


Citation: Edward Bormashenko (2023). Jeans Instability, Jeans Entropy, and the Entropy Origin of Gravity. World Jour. of Phys., 1 (2 ):79-86



An entropic origin of gravity is re-visited. Isothermal self-gravitating clouds seen as an ideal gas are analyzed. Gravitational attraction within the isothermal cloud in equilibrium is balanced by the pressure, which is of a pure entropic nature. The notion of the Jeans entropy of the cloud corresponding to the entropy of the self-gravitating cloud in mechanical and thermal equilibrium is introduced. Balance of the gravitational compression and the entropic repulsion yields the scaling relation hinting to the entropic origin of the gravitational force. The analysis of the Jeans instability enables elimination of the “holographic screen” or “holographic principle” necessary for grounding of the entropic origin of gravity.       


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