ISSN : 2583-939X

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WJP is a global, peer-reviewed open access online journal, committed to timely publication of original
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Our aims to publish high-quality research in World Journal of Physics

WJP is published four times a year and is committed to a timely
review peer review process of three to six weeks of the initial paper submission.

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About Journal

World journal of physics (WJP) is an Open access, peer–reviewed, international journal. The focus of the Journal is to publish high-quality manuscripts such as Research articles, Review articles, Short Communications, Commentaries, Conference proceedings, perspective, Editorials, and other types of articles in the field of in all aspects of Physics with no restriction on the length of the papers.
We are thrilled to introduce the World Journal of Physics, a cutting-edge platform dedicated to advancing the frontiers of physics and fostering innovative research in this captivating field. As an international, peer-reviewed journal, we aim to provide a comprehensive and diverse coverage of various subjects within the realm of physics. Our mission is to support scientists, researchers, and scholars from all corners of the globe in disseminating their valuable contributions and discoveries. The World Journal of Physics is committed to nurturing an inclusive and collaborative environment that encourages dialogue and exchange of ideas.

The journal covers a wide range of subjects in physics, including but not limited to:

1. Theoretical Physics: Delve into the profound and intricate theoretical aspects of physics, where we explore fundamental principles, mathematical models, and thought-provoking hypotheses that shape our understanding of the universe.
2. Quantum Mechanics: Unravel the mysteries of the quantum world, where particles behave in intriguing and sometimes counterintuitive ways, and explore the implications of quantum theory on various phenomena.
3. Astrophysics and Cosmology: Peer into the vastness of the cosmos as we study celestial objects, cosmic phenomena, and the evolution of the universe, shedding light on our place in the cosmos.
4. Condensed Matter Physics: Investigate the properties of matter in diverse states, from solids and liquids to exotic phases, with applications ranging from nanotechnology to superconductors.
5. Particle Physics: Explore the fundamental building blocks of the universe and their interactions through high-energy experiments and theoretical investigations.
6. Optics and Photonics: Illuminate the fascinating realm of light and its interactions with matter, leading to breakthroughs in communication, imaging, and quantum technologies.
7. Nuclear Physics: Dive into the intricacies of atomic nuclei, nuclear reactions, and nuclear phenomena, addressing crucial questions in energy, security, and fundamental science.
8. Biophysics: Bridge the gap between physics and biology, investigating the principles that govern living systems and their underlying physical processes.
9. Plasma Physics: Explore the fourth state of matter - plasma - and its applications in fusion energy, astrophysics, and space exploration.
10. Environmental and Geophysical Physics: Examine the physical processes shaping Earth's climate, atmosphere, and geology, contributing to our understanding of environmental challenges.

Our editorial team is committed to upholding the highest standards of scientific rigor and ethical conduct, ensuring that every publication in the World Journal of Physics makes a meaningful contribution to the field. We invite researchers, physicists, and students to submit their original research articles, reviews, and perspectives to be part of this dynamic and influential platform.

Join us in this exciting journey of exploration, innovation, and collaboration as we push the boundaries of physics and pave the way for a better understanding of the world around us. Together, let's illuminate the mysteries of the universe through the pages of the World Journal of Physics.
World journal of physics (WJP) is an Open Access journal and does not charge readers or their institutions to access the journal articles. Open access supports users' rights to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to these articles' full texts, provided they are properly acknowledged and cited. World journal of physics publishes Three issues per year. The publication fees of World journal of physics (WJP) include submission, Plagiarism Check, Reviewing, editing, Typesetting, type formatting, publishing, long-term archiving, and journal management.

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Editorial Board
Ramesh Agarwal

Antonino Marciano

Daowen Qiu

Othman Bin Zainon

Recently published articles
Scientific report
What is the Q of a Blackbody?

John Ballato

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Original Research
Hydrodynamic substitution and dynamics of non-Hamiltonian systems

Fimin Nikolay Nikolaevich

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Review article
Laser-Induced Hydrodynamic Reorientation in Hybrid Nematic Liquid Crystals

Vagharshak Hakobyan

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Review article
Survey of Layer Structures and Coordinate Transformations Eliminating Layers

Liseikin Vladimir Dmitrievich

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